Citizenship and Social Development


Citizenship and Social Development


Aims and Objectives:

  • Enhance understanding of society, the country, the human world, the physical environment and related knowledge

  • Inherit Chinese culture and heritage in a pluralistic society, deepen understanding and sense of identity of individuals with Chinese nationality and Chinese citizenship, and at the same time appreciate, respect and embrace diversity in cultures and views

  • Develop positive values and attitudes towards life, so that they can become informed and responsible citizens of society, the country and the world


Curriculum Outlines:


1. Hong Kong under “One Country, Two Systems”

2. Our Country since Reform and Opening-up

3. Interconnectedness and Interdependence of the Contemporary World

4. Mainland Study Tour - Chinese Culture and Modern Life




Ms. Au Mei Shan

Mr. Chan Kwan Ho

Mr. Kwan Lap Sun

Mr. Lai Chong 

Mr. Wong Sheung Nok


Department Activities:


  • My Interfaces with the Belt and Road Initiative Integrated Abilities Competition

  • News Challenge - Knowing the Greater Bay Area

  • Secondary School Online Quiz Competition -  Environmental Pollution


School Talk

  • School talk on the recent development of China  

  • School talk on organ transplantation 

  • School talk on food waste reduction

  • School talk on caring the elderly


Board Display

  • China Current Exhibition on the recent development of China